Publicerat den: 2021-04-08 [09:12:54]
Endometrios is not just "cramps". Endometrios is an endless cycle of surgeries, birth control pills, hormonal injections, unpleasant birth implants, endless empty pain killer bottles. It is being tortured by your own body in broad
daylight. It is Christmas Eve, birthdays and happy moments spent trapped in your own bedroom. Chain to the bed. It is more procedures until the options run out. And then when the AGE is right you can finally strip yourself of what it means to be a
woman. Sometimes even earlier - before getting the chance to birth a child of your own.
Endometriosis is being held hostage to an incurable thief to your youth.
You jump from one birth control method to the next, not to cure but to simply cope with this monstrous beast growing inside of your body.
Until you are so medicated and hormonally irregulated that you don’t know what it even means to be you anymore.
Endometrios is EXTREME fatigue and pain. It is insomnia, mood swings, extreme bleeding, weight fluctuation, acne, chronic anemia, bone loss, infertility for some women.
Endometrios is becoming a shell of a person from what you use to be. Endometrios leads many to become very VERY lonely.
Sweden needs educated specialized gynecologist who knows their way around the knife. Who can manage to operate without leaving people more sick than what they were before seeking help.